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Notes - More Trazodone Information
Below we've detailed some specific notes and additional
information about Trazadone.
Trazadone During Pregnancy
The effects of Trazadone during pregnancy have not yet
been adequately studied. If you are pregnant or planning to
become pregnant, inform your doctor immediately. When taken,
the Trazodone medication may appear in breast milk. If treatment
with this drug is essential to your health, your doctor may
advise you to discontinue breastfeeding your baby until your
treatment is finished.
Trazodone Dosage
Actual dosage must be determined by a physician. The usual
starting dosage is a total of 150 milligrams per day, divided
into 2 or more smaller doses. The doctor may increase dosage
by 50 milligrams per day every 3 or 4 days. Total dosage should
not exceed 400 milligrams per day, divided into smaller doses.
Once the patient has responded well to the drug, the doctor
may gradually reduce dosage. Because Trazodone causes drowsiness,
the doctor may recommend that the patient take the largest
dose at bedtime.
Trazadone & Heart Problems
A possible side effect of Trazodone use is a fast or fluttery
heartbeat. Be very careful when taking this drug if you have
heart disease. Only a physician can determine if Trazadone
is right for a individual with a heart problem.
Trazodone Overdose
If Trazodone is taken in excess, it can lead to very serious
consequences. An overdose of Trazadone in combination with
other drugs can be fatal. Possible symptons of Trazadone overdose
include - breathing failure, drowsiness, irregular heartbeat,
prolonged, painful erection, seizures, vomiting. If you suspect
an overdose, seek medical attention immediately.
Trazodone & Insomnia
It is quite interesting, but although Trazadone was created
specifically for the treatment of depression, it is more widely
used today for insomnia.
Be sure to view the special warnings and possible Trazodone
Side Effects. If you or someone close to you uses Trazadone
or other prescription drugs, now more than ever before you
should be looking to make your purchase at an online pharmacy.
Some advantages of buying your prescriptions online are: 1)
Ability to compare prices between online drugstores 2) Tremendous
savings on your monthly bill, particularly if you purchase
from a Canadian pharmacy where it's likely that you will save
anywhere between 20% and 80% 3) Buying online offers the sort
of privacy that is never available when you seek to get your
meds at a local pharmacy.